Wednesday, May 30, 2012
Thanks to an amazing Australian company located on NSW SWSR Were lucky enough to secure sponsorship with SIGNATURE MOUTHGAURDS for our Rockettes Teeth !
SIGNATURE MOUTHGAURDS has provided the Rockettes>
Just in time for TGSS with some amazing mouthguards, clear, blue, white and black, the Rockets will be smiling knowing there Teeth will be safe and secure out on the track in June for our two match up bouts.
Keeping your teeth safe, every derby girl and guy should purchase these awesome mouth guards and keep there beaks safe !
Thanks again to the awesome SIGNATURE MOUTHGAURDS for supplying South West Sydney Rocketts with these mouth guards, we cant wait to get them our on the track at the Roller Derby Nationals held in Adelaide, The Great southern Slam, see our smiling teeth there soon !!
Visit SIGNATURE MOUTHGAURDS website to see more awesome protective mouth products for your pearly whites !