South West Sydney Rockets Roller Derby League will again be in this years annual FISHERS GHOST FESTIVAL STREET PARADE 2012
Thats right, Its that time of year again and SWSR are excited to be taking part in this years annual Fishers Ghost Street parade !!
2012 Annual Fishers Ghost Parade
Saturday, November 3rd 2012 · 1:00pm - 3:00pm
Location Queen Street, Campbelltown, New South Wales, Australia
This years theme is the colour Orange and Reading, and we cant wait to dress up for the new theme again this year !!
"Learn to read, Learn to skate, Its Lots of fun, They're both great!"
Location Queen Street, Campbelltown, New South Wales, Australia
This years theme is the colour Orange and Reading, and we cant wait to dress up for the new theme again this year !!
"Learn to read, Learn to skate, Its Lots of fun, They're both great!"
We were proud last year to receive last year - 2011
"Runner up for Best Community Organization" and
"WINNER of the Best Sports Team" Categories.
"WINNER of the Best Sports Team" Categories.
Along with receiving from 2010
"Runner up - for best overall float",
"Runner up for Best Community Organization" and
"WINNER of the Best Sports Team" Categories.
and hope to make our league proud by again bring home a place in our float categories !!
As we are getting ready to Roll down Queen street for the third time Win, Place or just participate, SWSR are excited about being in this
family fun event which is held every year by Campbelltown Council.
most members of SWSR being Campbelltown locals, this event is sure to
bring everyone out to watch as skate down the street.
Rain, hail or Shine, be sure to get yourself
down to Queen Street, to participate in the fun.
Bradbury Oval will have
the usual carnival rides and fireworks, with a skate park demo, local
bands and much more.
So what are you waiting for? Get yourself down to
the Fishers Ghost Festival, see SWSR skate in the parade, and then
celebrate with us afterwards at The Bradbury Inn, proud sponsors of SWSR
cant wait to see you there x ♥
Be Sure to come down on Saturday 3rd November and show your support to the local community, South West
Sydney Rockets Roller Derby League and the festival of Fishers Ghost!
Highlights of this years 2 week Festival are:
Fishers Ghost Carnival Opens (rides games etc)
Street Parade 1-4pm (With South West Sydney Rockets Skating)
Fireworks 9.30pm (At Bradbury Oval)
Street Market Stalls and Rides (Queen Street)
Announcement of Street Parade participant winners !