Sunday, April 17, 2011



SWSR celebrated our first Birthday Party in style, hosting our first family and Friends bout on April 16th 2011… it was truly an afternoon of enjoyment, Derby-licious fun and excitement!

With the SWSR’s Intraleague Teams:

Team Hot Pink “The Sinderollers”

Take on Team electric Blues “The Steamrollers”

As promised there were lots of Jam tarts, Bountiful Buns, and some sweet sugary skating.

With our half time entertainment wooing the crowds, Our Uni-cycle crocodile, kid jumping, adult hoping entertainment was a hit !

With our Birthday cake stall for all to enjoy SWSR couldn’t have been happier with the outcome. Everyone enjoyed the cakes and birthday treats lovingly made from the Rockettes of SWSR, with all proceeds going towards our Travel teams future costs.

Thanks to all our family and friends who attended the bout, your support and encouragement means the words to us, and we wouldn’t be here today without you.

SWSR also want to send a big shout out to the Refs and NSO who came to help us out on the day, without you all there the day wouldn’t have been as successful as it was.

Thank you to the following leagues for assisting us on bout day with Refs;

Wollongong Illawarra Roller Derby League, Cenrtal Coast Roller Derby league, and western Sydney Roller Derby league.

And a big Thanks to the following refs for your assistance on the day;

Axiom Addict (WIRD)
Sintax (WIRD)
Game Over (WIRD)
Jester Of Death (CCRD)
Stax On (CCRD)
Frazzle (WSR)

Bout Higlights:

Both teams skated valiantly;

but it was the SindeRollers that took home the cake.

First half proved to be tougher for the Electric Blues, with the half time score sitting at 82 for the Sinderollers and 44 for the Electric Blues. A difference of 38 points.

Jamming for the Electric Blues was Metho Betho, Lethal Ling, D.Viant.D, Killawatts and Pscyhclone Cilla…. for the SindeRollers it was Kimakaze and Ann O’War, with Little Tamtrum, Dolly Death and Strawbr’y Slaughtercake all having a Jam

The Second half The Electric Blues burned there wheels some more, and gained more points on the board.

But it was the Sinderollers who obtained another 71 total Jam points with the Electric Blues running short with only 55.

Final Score was 153 to The Sinderollers and 99 to The Electric Blues.

The after party which was celebrated with cake, drinks and music at Bradbury Inn was also a great success; we were thrilled with the turn out of people who came back to celebrate with us.

During the bout festivities was a raffle for our league.

Congratulations to the winners, and thank you to the following sponsors;

1st place Wine Carton

2nd place Rough Diamond Boutique

3rd place Evolution Climbing and Training (Rock Climbing)

4th Meggs Tattoo & Design

5th place SWSR League Shirt

Not only did SWSR have a raffle for these amazing prizes, but we also had a “FRESH MEAT” tray. Thanks to everyone who purchased a ticket, and congratulations to Shivty for winning the half time meat tray raffle, im sure you thoroughly enjoyed it :) donated by butcher extraordinaire “Ballards Butchers” from Ambarvale.

SWSR also baked delicious goodies for all of our family and friends to enjoy…

Lucky Door prize “WHIP IT” DVD movie donated by our wonderful sponsor “Dennings Diecast” went to our friend at our sister league at HARD .. We hope you enjoy watching the movie over and over again ;) !

SWSR’s Birthday Basher and 1 year anniversary was a huge success, to view pictures of our first bout click on the links below:


Album One - Mr Pink

Album Two - Brooke

Album Three - Cameron

Thanks to Mr Pink and Brooke for taking some amazing shots of the bout